suomeksi / Facebook
Today the Minister of Ecnomic Affairs Katri Kulmuni (Center) and Ministry of Employment Timo Harakka (Social democrat) presented the new government programme in the Kontula library. Our campaign reprsentatives told that in the platform economy couriers and many others are excluded from traditional labour rights with false freelance agreements and asked if the government had already concrete suggestions how to prevent the masking of employment as something else, as the government programme states. Minister Harakka told that the government is aware of the problem and will definitely attempt to solve it.
Our campaign wants to emphasize that food couriers and other in a similar position work in conditions that fulfill the criteria of employment and hence they should be treated as employees. Due to this, we demand that couriers are given the option to sign employment contracts if they so wish. In our view, the current legislation needs to be overseen and executed more strictly and also changed, for example by addiding the employment assumption into it.”
Our comment to ministers