Parliamentary committee hearing

The parliamentary Employment and Equality Committee invited us to give an expert statement regarding work in the platform economy. The committee has given its statement, where they voice many of the same concerns and suggestions we pointed out in the hearing.

The committee notes that clear legal rules concerning the platform economy are needed. Now de facto employers may circumvent legal obligations of employers. More so, the committee notes that the definition of employment could be expanded to cover those who now work as freelancers dependent on the platform companies and that they should receive the same rights and responsibilities as those employed with traditional contracts.

As couriers who work in different situations as employees, self-employed and “fake freelancers” for platform companies, we welcome the statement by the committee. We hope that decision makers take the advice of the committee and that companies like Foodora and Wolt begin negotiations with their workers.

Incredibly sad news from Italy

Last weekend a 19-year old food courier in Bari, Italy was killed in a road traffic accident while working. Our thoughts go out to the victim’s family and all those affected by this tragic event.

This tragic case goes to highlight the dangers of food courier work. Couriers are often encouraged to ride fast to reach targets or paid on a per-delivery fee.

Support for Amazon Workers

International workers across the gig economy are standing up to demand DIGNITY and RESPECT from their employers! Brave workers deserve much praise for speaking out and we stand with them in their struggles.

They currently share a very similar message with our own campaign; to be recognised as PEOPLE NOT ROBOTS!

This is a global fight!

Amazon, we are not robots

These amazon workers from around the globe have come together with one message for Jeff Bezos. We are not robots, treat us with dignity and respect. Share their message far and wide 👇#AmazonWeAreNotRobots

Posted by GMB Union on Friday, November 23, 2018